Needless to say there has been scientific and technological advancement all around us. Leather making and finishing techniques are no exceptions. Leather is now being produced which IS more human friendly and the process to make it more environmentally compliant.

Growing global concerns regarding pollution have restrained the growth of the leather industry, yet if well managed, chrome tanning remains the most efficient way to make leather, and while some further erosion of its market share can be foreseen because of use of synthetic leather, it is expected to continue to maintain its dominant position. At the same time, the industry will have to work harder to reduce water and energy consumption and to manage its waste materials better, particularly in the case of many developing countries, where industrial development still has not included waste management/treatment procedures.

Leather is one of the most widely traded commodities, today globally. The growth in demand for leather is driven by the fashion industry, especially footwear. Apart from this, furniture and interior design industries, as well as the automotive industry also demand leather. The leather industry has a place of prominence in the Indian economy due to substantial export earnings and growth.

The Indian leather industry accounts for around 12.93 per cent of the world’s leather production of hides/skins.

We also manufacture customised goods as per requirements.